Coverbild Dieter Roth
Dieter Roth
here and there
€ 14.80
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Texts by: Dieter Roth, Björn Roth
Edited by: Prof. Uwe Lohrer
German, English
June 2003, 64 Pages, 0 Ills., 24 Photos
174mm x 245mm
ISBN: 978-3-7757-9139-7
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This book documents two projects from Dieter Roth's Stuttgart years and features double-page reproductions of the artist's works accompanied by a selection of atmospheric photographs.
This book documents two works from the Stuttgart-based period of Dieter Roth (1930-1998), chosen from his overflowing universe of books, prints, drawings, photographs, videos, pictures, and objects, which often include organic, perishable materials and everyday items. In 1990, Roth printed a twenty-five-part serigraph entitled ein gerissener HASE (A Slain Rabbit) at the press of Frank Kicherer, a work which showed his unique command of various printing techniques. Turning the print, shifting individual print runs, and changing the colors resulted in an unparalleled diversity of variants. The selection of sheets is preceded by a text by Dieter Roth to Frank Kicherer dating from 1979, which, in a subtle and poetic way, reveals the friendship between artist and printer. By means of atmospheric photographs, the book also shows Roth´s work on Bar Nr. o, extended and restored in February 1998, just a few months before his death. Björn Roth, his son and artistic confidant, describes how he was commissioned by the Staatsgalerie to find a technique for detaching the work from the workshop wall.
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